
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

RHC Women's Ministry is available for Women of all ages to come together.
Through many different Bible Studies, Events, and Community Outreach initiatives, the Women of Restoration Hope have opportunity to gather together and discover a sense of community.
The heart of this ministry is to equip Women to find their purpose and flourish in their calling.
Join us and become equipped to be the Proverbs 31 woman God has designed you to be!

Women's Meetings

Weekly Women's Bible Study

When: Thursday Evenings at 6:00 PM
Where: Lake Havasu Campus-Building A

This Bible Study is open to Women of all ages. This group spends time in various different studies throughout the year designed to equip Women in today's world.

Monthly Women's Luncheons

When: TBA
Where: TBA

These monthly gatherings are designed for Women to gather together and fellowship. Get together for a luncheon where you can meet other Women and develop relationships.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.